Halloween is coming, so now’s the time to have some hauntingly good fun! This year, we present: The origins of Halloween, a nice little […]
Fun Facts

How to Deep Fry a Turkey
Deep frying turkeys is becoming increasingly popular. The meat is moist and tender, not greasy. Once the materials are assembled, the method is fast […]

What Mechanics Watch For When Buying a Used Car
Most mechanics buy used cars. There’s a reason. Buying a used car saves a lot of money and manufacturer defects have been identified. You […]

Celebrity Classic Cars!
Jay Leno Rolls Royce Silver Cloud Jay Leno owns about 80 classic cars in his collection. Besides steam-powered and electric cars, he also owns: McLaren […]

Four Ways to Sell Better!
In times like these, you can’t afford not to advertise. But in times like these, you can’t afford to waste a single advertising dollar. […]

Cutest Puppy Designer Breeds
Designer breeds are a newer breed of dog which resulted from the accidental or intentional mating of two pedigree dogs. They are not to […]

4 Home Improvement Projects In One Weekend
Refresh Your Bedroom Giving a fresh look to the bedroom can be done quite quickly by giving the walls a new look and updating the […]

Is Your Child’s Car Seat Installed Correctly?
By law it is mandatory for child passengers in a car to be properly secured in an infant seat, car seat or booster seat. […]

How to Design a Patio Sanctuary for Your Backyard
Redesigning your patio can be as simple as adding a few pieces of outdoor furniture to your backyard. Or it can be as elaborate […]

World’s Most Expensive Golf Carts
What are the world’s most expensive golf carts? Golf carts used to be little vehicles that served a simple purpose — getting you around […]

No-Hassle School Supply Shopping
School supply shopping is an experience for you and your youngster, but on the other hand it can be quite a chore. New is fun—fresh starts, […]

Energy Efficient Air Conditioners
Knowing which air conditioner to buy for a room requires some knowledge as to the size and use of the room. The size of […]

How to Recharge Your Vehicle AC
If your vehicle’s AC has has lost its ability to keep you cool, it may simply need a recharge of refrigerant. With a few […]

Safe Online Selling & Buying
Every day we hear reports of people successfully selling stuff on our websites. But occasionally we also hear about scammers who surf the classifieds […]

Dreamworthy Daytrips
Tired of being cooped up in your house and want a safe but wonderful daytrip? Here are 10 amazing destinations you can go to […]

What Makes a Classic Car?
Great, vintage, collectible or downright old car? How would you know the distinction, and exactly when does a more seasoned vehicle become an amazingly […]

Looking For Work? We Can Help!
Looking for a job is the easiest part of the process. Our classifieds offer several pages devoted to listing vacant job positions. Being well-prepared, […]

Find Your Next Pet in the Classifieds
The classifieds are a great place to find a pet. Many pet owners and breeders use the classifieds to let others know their dog, […]

Drive-In Movies: They’re BACK!
Do you remember going to the drive-in movies? They were a big thing once…and they are coming back! What can be more fun than […]

Hurricane Preparation Made Easy
The best time to prepare your personal emergency plan and make sure it is up to date is before you need it. This doesn’t […]